Event identification: E5

Event Title: Presentation of the results of artistic and cultural activity 2

Event description: This event will present the results of artistic and cultural activity 2 in public at the most important international event dedicated to Architecture, the Architectural Biennale in Venice 2020.The goal of the event is to raise awareness about the partnership’s methodology and multidisciplinary approach to teaching. Another goal is to present the developments of links created between innovation, research and education – the three sides of the ‘knowledge triangle’. Lastly, also the the students’ outputs from the new course module connected to Artistic and Cultural Activity 2 (O4).

The event will exhibit the project’s findings and products, showcasing cultural diversity and the creation of intercultural dialogue at a public exhibition focusing on innovative practices built on shared cultural heritage.

The event will present the project’s outline (2020), objectives and expected outcomes, as well as the designs and prototypes developed by the students in Artistic and Cultural Activity 2 (O4). The event will be carried out as a Session and a Workshop during a Summer School involving C7 and C8 to initialize and catalyze a reaction and thereby perform actions and new designs that create innovative practices built on shared cultural heritage connections.

Furthermore, there will be made a documentation and evaluation that will be part of Intellectual Output O7, Learning / teaching / training material – Manual / handbook / guidance material including the multiplier event (a Session and a Workshop at the Biennale).

During the event the context will be the Architectural Biennale in Venice 2020.

The Architectural Biennale attracts more than 250.000 visitors, and the context will give a large impact on both the curriculum and the training scheme. Furthermore, it will above all, through the attention of the public during both a Public Session and a Public Workshop, give a high impact on European Cultural Values in general.


Organisation and promotion of the event: this activity part concerns a series of tasks necessary for the planning, organisation and execution of the to Artistic and Cultural Activity 2 (O4), i.e. the multiplier event of a Session and a Workshop during the Biennale. This includes sending out formal invitations to relevant stakeholders, and providing relevant information regarding the event to the official Biennale catalogue. In collaboration with the Biennale officials, we will promote the event through a diversity of channels, including distribution of leaflets to participants, use of social media and advertisements on local media (e.g. newspapers, radio stations).

Aalborg University will have responsibility for development and execution of this event. In order to make decisions on issues related to the presentation of the multiplier events and Hans Thyge & Co. will have a consulting role.

Activity Leading Organisation: Aalborg University

Start & End date: 15.09.2020 – 20.09.2020